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Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Schoeman Gerhardus at Islamabad International Airport recovered five kilograms of heroin hidden in secret cavities of his baggage.t

The Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) has arrested a national of South Africa after recovery of a huge quantity of heroin from his possession, a spokesman of the ANF said here on Tuesday.Brigadier Muhammad Asif Alvi, force commander at the ANF Regional Directorate, Rawalpindi, received a tip-off that an international drug mafia group would attempt to smuggle heroin from Islamabad to Johannesburg, the spokesman said.Acting on the tip-off, the regional director asked the concerned authorities to make a plan to foil the attempt, he said. Accordingly, different teams were constituted to counter the attempt.
A team of ANF, consequently, intercepted a passenger Schoeman Gerhardus, a South African national, at Islamabad International Airport, proceeding to South Africa bya flight EY-232 bound for Johannesburg, and recovered five kilograms of heroin hidden in secret cavities of his baggage.
During questioning, the suspect told the investigators that before indulging in the drug smuggling, he was working as a safari guide in a town, Senekal. He said that in 2005, following instructions of the mafia chief, he travelled to Cracus, Venezuela, to fetch cocaine. He said that he stayed there for eight months and remained involved in money-laundering but could not fetch cocaine.
On June 21, 2008, he arrived in Lahore on a trip to smuggle heroin to meet the demand of drug mafia and reached Islamabad the next day. He said that he stayed with his friends in Islamabad and arranged heroin for smuggling.
He said that after getting heroin, two Pakistani drug dealers, working for the international drug mafia, picked him up from his residence and dropped him at Islamabad International Airport where he was caught.


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