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Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Scott Rush Bali Nine member " I didn't know it was the death penalty."

These are dark days for Scott Rush. The 22-year-old from Brisbane is far from home in a foreign prison, with little to think of but impending death at the hands of an Indonesian executioner.
He was originally sentenced to life in prison for his role in an attempt to smuggle eight kilograms of heroin from Indonesia to Australia in 2005.
He appealed, but rather than being shortened, his sentence was increased to death
Scott Rush Bali Nine member has spoken publicly for the first time about receiving the death penalty for drug smuggling.The 22-year-old from Brisbane was one of several of his colleagues sentenced to death in 2006 after being caught trying to smuggle heroin.On SBS TV's Cutting Edge program tonight, Rush describes his regret over his actions."There is a number of factors involved. I didn't have a concrete job at the time, I was waiting to go to the Air Force," he said. "I think about this and sometimes the answer changes. ... I didn't know what I was risking, I didn't know it was the death penalty, I didn't know anything about Bali, really."But Rush says he still holds hope that he will one day walk free from jail."It's always on my mind, always in the back of my head," he said."You reckon you're going to make it through and ... get out of here. I feel that I will; obviously I'm hoping that I will."[I am] continuously thinking about it every day.".Five other members of the drug syndicate are also facing execution.


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