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Friday, 28 March 2008

Ayou Xie,Golden City takeaway Qi Wu,converting the property into a cannabis farm with hydroponic lights, water sprays and thermometers.

Qi Wu, 40, was recommended for deportation in 2006 after fraud convictions, Teesside Crown Court heard yesterday.But Wu was allowed to continue living in the UK, and last October rented a six-bedroom house on Marton Road, Middlesbrough.
Just 18 days later, police found he was converting the property into a cannabis farm with hydroponic lights, water sprays and thermometers.
In a second separate case, an even larger cannabis farm was uncovered in a flat above the Golden City takeaway on Norton Road, Stockton on November 14 last year.
Chef Ayou Xie, 26, lived there and minded 264 healthy ‘skunk’ cannabis plants in three rooms. A fridge also revealed 361 cannabis cuttings. Xie and two unidentified men bought equipment. Only Xie, who had no previous convictions and was refused asylum in 2000, was arrested.Recorder Toby Hedworth QC said Xie helped cultivation in an operation which could have generated huge profit, jailing him for two years for his limited role. Both Xie and Wu admitted producing the Class C drug. Judge George Moorhouse jailed Wu for 15 months, accepting he was under others’ control and showed remorse.


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