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Sunday, 30 March 2008

Demego Antwane Robinson,Laquada Keyann Robinson,Zhivago Anwah Robinson arrests came as part of an ongoing drug investigation

charged Demego Antwane Robinson, 32, of 407 Rich St. with multiple offenses, including drug conspiracy, trafficking crack and distribution of crack in proximity to a school, according to the York County Sheriff's Office.
Robinson's brother, Zhivago Anwah Robinson, 26, of 1410 Bavand Circle was charged Thursday with possession of crack and marijuana, violation of liquor law, driving with a suspended license, distribution of crack and distribution of crack in proximity to a park, the reports note. Police also charged Laquada Keyann Robinson, 28, of 1025 Glenarden Drive, Apt. D, with offenses that included threatening a public official's immediate family and drug conspiracy, according to reports.
The arrests came as part of an ongoing drug investigation that included agents from the York County Multijurisdictional Drug Enforcement Unit, the FBI and Rock Hill Police. The investigation led to the arrests of the Robinsons on Thursday after authorities said Demego Robinson bought a 1995 Mercedes with drug money and conspired with his sister to put the car in her name.
Police arrested Zhivago Robinson as he parked a 2004 Mitsubishi Gallant at 920 Sylvia Circle, where officials seized two bags of marijuana, the report notes. Police also said Laquada Robinson threatened to hurt an officer's child, according to the report.
"We have taped conversations of her threatening to have an officer's 8-year-old assaulted," Brown said.
Brown declined to release the officer's name or discuss the circumstances.


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