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Friday, 28 March 2008

Gareth Angus Laurenson had concerns about his safety from the people he had been dealing with.

Gareth Angus Laurenson, at Craigpark Road, Scalloway, on 14 September last year where they found almost 50 grammes of the Class A drug, valued at £6,930, along with £6,260 in cash.When Laurenson and his girlfriend returned home the police found another £470 on his person.
Interviewed at Lerwick police station the 29 year old, who now lives at Meadowfield Road, Scalloway, said he was paid drugs and money to hold heroin for other people.Procurator fiscal Duncan Mackenzie said he admitted “carrying out this holding role for a similar quantity of drugs on a fortnightly basis” since 1 February last year.Mr Mackenzie said Laurenson had a history of heroin abuse, and his addiction had got worse before his arrest.
“Payment was sometimes in money and sometimes in kind to feed his addiction and there was a sense of relief that the police had brought this to an end,” the fiscal said, adding that Laurenson had concerns about his safety from the people he had been dealing with.
Sheriff Graeme Napier deferred sentence for reports, warning that it was likely he would be going to prison for a significant period of time.


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