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Saturday, 1 March 2008

Kai Ming Fung,Ka Wah Chan, Patrick Dan Chang ,Tik Sheun Dison Ngai guilty.

50-year-old Kai Ming Fung, 47-year-old Ka Wah Chan, 34-year-old Patrick Dan Chang and 32-year-old Tik Sheun Dison Ngai - guilty.The four have now been given heavy sentences.Chang, who was found guilty of two counts each of production of a controlled substance and possession for the purpose of trafficking, along with one count of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence, has been in custody since his arrest.He got an eight-year jail sentence, with credit for 58 months already served.
According to Brad Smith, a federal Crown lawyer, this is the longest jail term ever given for this type of offence.Crown asked for six years for Ngai, who was found guilty of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence and production of a controlled substance, but the judge sentenced him to five years.Similarly for Fung and Chan, the judge gave sentences of one year less than the five years that Crown asked for.
Both of them had been found guilty of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence and production of a controlled substance.A fifth man has been acquitted of all charges.
The waterfront joint forces operation is a team of officers from the Vancouver and Delta police departments, the RCMP and the Canada Border Services Agency.
In this case, in addition to the Burnaby RCMP, they were helped by Richmond RCMP, Transport Canada, the Richmond Fire Department, the Lower Mainland Forensic Identification Unit, the B.C. Ambulance Service, the RCMP's major crime unit, the RCMP clandestine lab team, the Vancouver Police drug section, the Department of Public Prosecutions and Health Canada.


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