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Monday, 31 March 2008

Manuel and Mario Bonilla, face counts of conspiracy and operating a continuing criminal enterprise

The brothers, Manuel and Mario Bonilla, face counts of conspiracy and operating a continuing criminal enterprise. The others face a conspiracy count.
The Oklahoma defendants are Mario Bonilla, 23, of Tulsa; Holly King, 29, of Wann; Cecilia Lorena Bonilla, 20, of Tulsa; Michelle Moreno, 27, of Tulsa; and Felix McVay, 51, of Haskell.Manuel Bonilla and one other defendant remain at large. Both live in Mexico.The indictment alleges the smugglers used vehicles for occasional shipments of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine and guns from Juarez, Mexico, since 2001.Some of the defendants also face counts of using a phone to commit a crime, bulk cash smuggling, using a gun in a drug-trafficking crime, traveling across the U.S. border in a racketeering crime and possessing large quantities of drugs.In addition to the criminal charges, prosecutors are seeking a $6 million judgment against the defendants. They say that represents the amount obtained through the conspiracy. federal indictment unsealed today accuses 11 people of involvement in a smuggling operation that moved large amounts of drugs from Mexico to the Tulsa and Kansas City areas.


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