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Friday, 28 March 2008

Marlyn Gonzalez remains silent

Marlyn Gonzalez, of 221 Bruce St., was arrested Monday night at Union and Common streets after her release from Lawrence General Hospital, where she spent five days recovering from an opiate overdose. Police Chief John Romero said Gonzalez won't say who she was carrying the drugs for."The detective didn't get three words out of his mouth and she said, 'My lawyer told me not to talk to police"' Romero said. "I'd have to believe the heroin was earmarked for Lawrence." Last Thursday morning, Gonzalez became ill and her boyfriend took her to the hospital, where she admitted swallowing the heroin. According to the police report, some of the bags broke open in her body and she was treated with Narcan, a drug that reverses the effect of a heroin overdose.She was arraigned yesterday on charges of trafficking heroin over 28 grams. The heroin she was carrying had a street value of about $50,000, and she was paid $4,000 for smuggling it into the country, police said.


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