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Thursday, 20 March 2008

Raul Reveron,Alex Serrano,Elizabeth Serrano, just a family affair charged with seven drug distribution charges

Raul Reveron, 26, was charged with seven drug distribution charges and two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer. His brother, Alex Serrano, 24, and their mother, Elizabeth Serrano, 58, were charged with obstructing justice and three counts of aggravated assault on a police officer. Alex Serrano was also charged with hindering the arrest of another. Police suspected that Reveron, of Jersey City, was selling drugs and on March 14, at 12:45 p.m., Detectives Mark Mullins and Steven Aguiar tried to arrest Reveron on the corner of Second and Harrison streets, police said. Reveron pushed Aguiar away, a "short wrestling match" ensued, and Reveron ran into an apartment building on the 200 block of Harrison, police said. The cops chased him to an apartment, but Reveron repeatedly slammed the door on Aguiar's arm and leg, police said.
Mullins and Sgt. Brian Brereton joined the pushing match as people inside the apartment pushed back, police said. Eventually the officers forced their way into the apartment, but the mother and brother continued to push, grab and scream at the officers as they tried to arrest Reveron. Four more officers arrived and cops arrested all three. In the apartment, cops saw three small bags of what they suspect was heroin discarded by Reveron and $304 that they believe came from a drug sale, police said. Aguiar was treated at police headquarters for bruises on his right arm. Elizabeth Serrano complained of heart pains and was treated at Hoboken University Medical Center.


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