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Saturday, 1 March 2008

Rev. Charles Lanier died of a heroin overdose

San Diego clergyman found dead inside his rented Tijuana apartment Wednesday had marijuana in his system in addition to heroin, the Baja California Attorney General's Office said Friday night.
Dr. Maria Guadalupe Licea, who oversees investigations in Tijuana, said an autopsy had determined that the Rev. Charles Lanier died of a heroin overdose that caused the blockage of a pulmonary artery, with heart failure listed as a secondary cause. Lanier had an enlarged heart, according to the autopsy. Authorities believe the drugs were self-administered. A syringe was found near Lanier's body. Police were called to his third-floor apartment near the border after neighbors saw his body through his partially open apartment door.
Lanier was pastor of Unity Fellowship Church in City Heights. His family reported him missing.


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