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Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Teck Boon Ng had 91 packets of heroin in his stomach

Teck Boon Ng, 40, had 91 packets of heroin in his stomach when he was arrested at Brisbane International Airport on June 27 last year.He pleaded guilty on Tuesday to one count of importing a marketable quantity of a border controlled drug.
Commonwealth prosecutor Paul Huygens told the court Ng had arrived on a flight from Hong Kong and was questioned by Customs officers after looking "nervous".
Ng quickly admitted to having swallowed a large amount of heroin before boarding the flight.He was arrested by Australian Federal Police and spent two days in hospital while he passed all the packages.The court was told Ng had swallowed almost 500g of powder, and that the pure weight of the heroin was 286.1g.The drugs had an estimated street value of $572,000.Defence barrister Simon Lewis said Ng had agreed to courier the drugs to Australia out of desperation for money.Mr Lewis told the court his client had travelled to Hong Kong in search of work but had been lured into becoming a mule with the promise of a $US5,000 ($A5,430) payment.He was given just $US400 ($A434) and a mobile phone before leaving for Australia, and told immigration officials the purpose of his trip was for a holiday.Justice John Byrne sentenced Ng to nine years jail with a non-parole period of five years.


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