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Friday, 11 April 2008

Cameron Lee was using heroin and selling it to teenagers

Cameron Lee, 19, was using heroin and selling it to teenagers.In January, an undercover officer bought heroin from Lee in the Clackamas High School parking lot. He was arrested and booked into jail on several charges.But the Clackamas County Jail later cut Lee loose because of overcrowding. Officials said there was no room in the jail and they had to let him out. Lee was released and deputies said he went right back to selling heroin to minors.
Students said they never expected to hear about heroin at Clackamas High School until teachers sent out a letter. It warned that a suspected heroin dealer was doing business on campus."Heroin isn't really an entry-level drug, so you don't think of it with high schoolers," Stephanie Stromberg said.On Tuesday, deputies pulled over Lee and arrested him on several charges, including delivering and possessing heroin. Deputies said he was with a girl who he's not allowed to associate.
Lee's father did not want to speak on camera, but he said his son started using heroin when he was a freshman at Clackamas High School.He thinks the drug use is out of control in Clackamas, but students at Clackamas High School disagreed.
"Everybody I know isn't into drugs at all," said Teal Hand, a Clackamas student.
Lee's bail is set at $1 million.


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