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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

David Bruce Houston is facing up to 10 years in jail after prosecutors on the Indonesian resort island of Bali accused him of possessing drugs.

Australian man is facing up to 10 years in jail after prosecutors on the Indonesian resort island of Bali accused him of possessing drugs.
Police found 3.5 grams of marijuana when they raided a house rented by David Bruce Houston in the Kuta tourist district on December 12, a state prosecutor told a Bali court.Houston, 38, is charged with possessing and keeping an illegal dangerous substance. He also faces two subsidiary charges, narcotics consumption and being an addict.The court heard witness statements from three police officers and a neighbour. The defendant's 19-year-old Indonesian wife testified in his favour.
Houston is one of a number of Australians to have been arrested for drugs possession or trafficking in Bali in recent years.Schapelle Corby was sentenced to 20 years in jail in 2005 for smuggling marijuana into Bali. She had her final appeal overturned last week.She is housed in the same island prison as the so-called Bali Nine, who were convicted of smuggling heroin from Indonesia to Australia in 2005.
Houston's trial will resume next week.


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