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Wednesday, 9 April 2008

David McKitrick received an eight-year prison sentence for dealing heroin

David McKitrick received an eight-year prison sentence for dealing heroin. McKitrick, with a criminal history of nearly 40 arrests, didn't help his case by allegedly smuggling and smoking marijuana into his jail cell, court reports state.
The 25-year-old LaPorte man also received two years' probation. He had faced up to 20 years in prison.McKitrick was convicted of Class B felony dealing in a schedule I substance for selling $40 worth of heroin.The transaction occurred in January 2007 outside his apartment at 106 Erie St. McKitrick testified he was dealing mostly to support his growing use of 10 packs of heroin per day.According to courtroom testimony, McKitrick has used other drugs including LSD, opium, cocaine and mushrooms.


Christine Fernandes 11 April 2008 at 07:38  


Recently, the rulers of the UAE along with the airline "Fly Emirates" has done luxurious campaigns for promoting tourism in that country, inviting television broadcasters from different countries, to disclose their territories, which Dubai is the Paris of deserts, or the East New York average. Well dear friends (as), the reality does not quite.
Before thinking in travel, read very carefully the words below.
The UAE is a country that condemns its tourists without any kind of proof, that even without any proof.
In August 2007, three Brazilians, Sr. Kiyoshi Ikeda, Sr. David and Mr. Shibuya Jonatan Souza Rodrigues Moreira, were the UAE, the business in order that the first two are entrepreneurs in the business of import of tyres and second, commercial representative in the same line, when the 25th of the month of August 2007, were surprised at the hotel they were in DUBAI, by the local police, 05 days after entering into the UAE, and led to the arrest of Al Wathba (known as the worst prison east of the average), staying for more than 45 days incommunicado, and the supposed reason for science its prisons only a month after what happened.
The contact existing in the country, which led the trip of Brazilians, is a Pakistani citizen, alleged entrepreneur of the industry automotive, owner of manufacture of tyres in China.
However, the Pakistani citizen, was arrested by police Arabic, being accused of crimes of theft of vehicles carried in the UAE, these crimes, which were completely unknown by the Brazilians.
On being arrested, the Pakistani such, certainly to see free, reported that the Brazilian citizens were involved in the crime. Now the question remains: they had arrived there 05 days in the UAE, and would remain only for 12 days, how could commit some kind of theft of vehicle? Cabendo also clarify that the importation of used vehicles is prohibited in Brazil, being allowed only in cases of inheritance and for collection.
Thus, our brothers, husbands, friends and children are imprisoned for more than 05 months, sentenced to 05 years in prison, with hearings conducted without the presence of an interpreter, not allowing the exercise of full protection, and what is worse, without assistance Brazilian there, being victims, as reported by the prisoners, abuse, prejudice and what is worse "TORTURE AND VIOLENCE."
Thus, we must reflect before travelling to the UAE, because the government of that country and the company "Fly Emirates", are selling a reality that does not exist, and the next victim could be you.

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