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Friday, 4 April 2008

Graeme Ferguson died after being chained and beaten in a Montreal warehouse four days earlier

Robin Cote, 42, was arrested by Montreal Police on March 27 on a Canada-wide warrant for the 2005 slaying of 27-year-old Graeme Ferguson, said an Ottawa police news release issued late Thursday afternoon.Cote is to appear in court on Friday.
Ferguson died outside an Ottawa bus station in July 2005 due to blood clots caused by being chained and beaten in a Montreal warehouse four days earlier.
The beating took place after he agreed to carry $500,000 worth of cocaine in a suitcase from Vancouver to Montreal, but showed up in Montreal without it. Ferguson said he had left the cocaine behind in Ottawa after he saw police at the bus station.
Four men were sentenced in August 2006 to two to nine years in prison each for their role in the beating. At the time, police were still looking for Cote and 29-year-old Paul Layoun.Layoun remains at large, wanted for first-degree murder.
In addition to first-degree murder, Cote has also been charged with conspiracy to kidnap, kidnapping, extortion, aggravated assault with a weapon and conspiracy to traffic cocaine.


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