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Friday, 4 April 2008

Griffith Mortimer Davies sold heroin that was kept in a tin hidden in a compost heap.

Griffith Mortimer Davies, 70, sold heroin that was kept in a tin hidden in a compost heap. A jury at Swansea Crown Court found Davies guilty of possessing heroin with intent to supply. Davies, of Penlan in the city, denied the charge and claimed he was looking after the tin for someone else. He said he had no idea what was inside it but refused to identify who it belonged to. Prosecuting barrister Mark Spackman accused him of supplementing his state pension by dealing in Class A drugs, never mind how surprising that was for a man of his age. The trial had heard that the circular tin was found in the compost heap by police who raided his home and it contained heroin in 18 "wraps'' of foil.
Davies, who was wearing a dinner suit and a black bow tie when he gave evidence on Wednesday, was convicted by the jury. He was bailed for sentencing later this month but Judge Keith Thomas warned him to prepare for jail.


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