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Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Kyle Davidson was found to be supplying cocaine

Kyle Davidson was found to be supplying the class-A drug after he defrauded a company by ordering plumbing equipment on their account.Police searched the 19-year-old's home looking for the equipment and found the cocaine in a bag in his bedroom.
At Edinburgh Sheriff Court today, Davidson pleaded guilty to obtaining £1,442.43 of goods by fraud on January 14 and being concerned in the supply of cocaine at his home at Niddrie Mill Drive, Edinburgh, on February 2.Davidson had worked for a plumbing firm until October last year, which had a contract with Factotum letting agency.In January, he went to Graham The Plumbers Merchants in the city's Temple Park Crescent where he pretended to still be working for the plumbing firm and ordered a boiler, a shower and plumbing accessories worth more than £1400 on the Factotum account."The person who served him recognised him as having been present with the owner of the company and accordingly the goods were charged to that account as requested by the accused," fiscal depute Sally Clark told the court.
She said the following day, a member of staff at Factotum became concerned about suspicious transactions on the company account and contacted police.Officers raided Davidson's home and found a bag of white powder which was later tested and found to be 250 grams of cocaine with an estimated street value of £12,500.
Davidson, whose address is given as Edinburgh Prison, is due to be sentenced later this month following background reports.


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