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Friday, 11 April 2008

Melvin Maycock Jr., charged with possession of dangerous drugs with the intent to supply.

Melvin Maycock Jr., 23, was formally charged with possession of dangerous drugs with the intent to supply. The New Hope Drive, Joan’s Heights West resident was found on Monday, April 7, with one pound of marijuana in his car, according to authorities.
At the time of his arrest, Maycock Jr. was on bail after he was arraigned on two separate matters.On this latest drug possession charge he entered a not guilty plea. His attorney Dion Smith then made a request for bail. Magistrate Carolita Bethel set a bail hearing for April 23. Maycock was remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison until then. Prosecuting the matter was Inspector Ercell Dorsette.Less than a month ago, Maycock and police officer Troy Lewis, 38, were charged with aiding in the escape of Melvin Maycock Sr. Maycock Sr. was a prisoner at the Elizabeth Estates Police Station when he escaped on February 28. Both men entered a not guilty plea and opted to have the matter heard in the magistrate’s court. Their trial is expected to commence on June 10 in Court No. 10 on Nassau Street. Back in 2004, Maycock Jr. was among 12 men charged after law enforcement authorities cracked a drug smuggling operation that reportedly spanned several countries, including the Bahamas, Canada, Jamaica, Colombia and The U.S.. However, Maycock’s father eluded capture. According to reports, Maycock Sr., the alleged head of a drug gang that smuggled marijuana and cocaine into the U.S. through the Caribbean, had been arrested on an extradition warrant when he was smuggled out of police custody. Two years after he was arraigned in connection with drug trafficking Maycock Jr. was freed on $100,000 bail and is still fighting extradition to the U.S..


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