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Sunday, 13 July 2008

Adam Gaunt and Ashley Gunn both pleaded guilty to possessing 252 grams of the Class-A drug with intent to supply

Adam Gaunt and Ashley Gunn were stopped travelling along Werrington Road in a black Citroen on February 29.Prosecutor Heather Chamberlin told Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court yesterday police saw a package thrown from the driver's window, which was never recovered."When the car stopped the passenger Gaunt got out and police found a package containing white powder on his seat. He said it was for his own use."Police found a block of cocaine under the seat.Miss Chamberlin said two phones were constantly ringing and one received a text saying 'Laura wants a gram'.
Gaunt told officers the block was cocaine and he had just been to pick it up. Officers found £280 on him.Gunn was found to be in possession of £501. The block of white powder was found to contain 252 grams of cocaine with a street value of £12,500.The Crown's case against Gunn was that he collected drugs and was delivering them.
Gaunt went along with it but played no part in arranging the transaction.
Gunn, of Stallington Road, Blythe Bridge, and Gaunt, aged 21, of Duke Street, Fenton, both pleaded guilty to possessing 252 grams of the Class-A drug with intent to supply at an earlier hearing.Catherine O'Reilly, defending Gaunt, said he has no previous convictions.Paul Cliff, defending Gunn, said the 20-year-old picked the drugs up in Hartshill and was taking them elsewhere.Judge Mark Eades said he could distinguish between the roles played by the two defendants.He sentenced Gunn to three years in a young offenders' institution.Gaunt was jailed for 52 weeks, suspended for two years, with 12 months supervision and a six month electronic tagging curfew.A proceeds of crime hearing in respect of both defendants will be held on August 4


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