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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Anthony Hilenski, faces up to 10 years in prison on the worst of the charges.

Anthony Hilenski, 44, faces up to 10 years in prison on the worst of the charges Authorities said an unidentified woman called Woodbridge police dispatchers on Feb. 22 to report an accident on Liberty and Warner streets involving a man supposedly having a seizure.The dispatcher overheard the woman tell the man to "act normalbecause the police are coming," authorities said.When police arrived, the car was gone. The officers found a broken curb and guide wire for a utility pole. A witness told them a small, light-colored car with a loud muffler was had been involved in the one-car crash.Police spotted Hilenski in the area driving a tan Nissan sedan, authorities said.He was sweating profusely despite temperatures in the 30s and was unable to keep his balance, according to police.He admitted getting into the minor accident with his two young children in the rear of the car, authorities said.He also told police that he had taken phenobarbitol, a sedative, and later admitted to being under the influence of cocaine, authorities said.He eventually acknowledged there were two bags of cocaine in the middle console of the car, authorities said.He was arrested, charged with the two offenses, and released on $30,000 bail. The children were turned over to Hilenski's mother.
He was indicted on the charges in June but failed to show for a hearing July 9.
Hilenski is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs about 170 pounds. He has a mole on his right cheek and also has tattoos.His last listed addresses were on the 80 block of Craske Street in Woodbridge, and the 90 block of Warner Street and the 10 block of Mary Avenue in Fords.
Authorities are urging anyone coming into contact with Hilenski not to try to apprehend him.The Prosecutor's Office is offering rewards of up to $500 for information leading to the capture of fugitives wanted on charges in the county.


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