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Thursday, 10 July 2008

Artimus Perkins and Charlene Perkins charged with two counts of felony criminal possession

Artimus Perkins, 32, and Charlene Perkins, 31, live at 239 S. 6th Ave on the first floor. Three of the couple’s children, ages three, four and 16, were home at the time of the search warrant execution. They were released to the custody of a relative and New York State Child Protective Services were notified.The detectives, armed with a search warrant, discovered approximately 80 “rocks” of alleged crack cocaine and an additional gram of alleged powdered cocaine. The cocaine has an estimated street value of $900. Two Pit Bull dogs were also removed from the residence.“The community’s tolerance for drug dealing that often leads to violence is at an all time low, their continued cooperation is a testament to our growing partnership,” said Police Commissioner David Chong. “The fact that there were three children in the home makes this case even more disturbing.”Artimus Perkins has an extensive arrest record that includes prior convictions for narcotics related offenses. Charlene Perkins also has a minor criminal history. The two adults were charged with two counts of felony criminal possession of a controlled substance third degree, three counts of endangering the welfare of a child, a misdemeanor, and two counts of animal cruelty under the Agriculture and Market Law.


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