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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

John W. Powers charged with possession of heroin, possession with the intent to distribute,

John W. Powers, 40, of South Sixth Street, sell suspected drugs to two individuals.
Officers in the narcotics unit were reportedly patrolling in the area of Fourth Street and Landis Avenue when they allegedly witnessed Powers talking on a nearby pay phone. At that time, shortly after 10 p.m., an unknown subject walked up to Powers and subsequently purchased what officers believe were drugs, said Ulrich.
However, the subject got away on a New Jersey Transit bus that had stopped at the intersection before officers could move in for the arrest.
According to police, officers observed Powers enter a nearby vehicle and witness a second alleged drug purchase between him and another man, identified as 34-year-old Leard Jones, of Philadelphia. Detectives at the scene reportedly recovered 50 packages (or 250 bundles, or 2,500 individual doses) of heroin, a small amount of marijuana and $5,034 in cash.
Police charged Powers with possession of heroin, possession with the intent to distribute, possession with the intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school zone, possession with intent to distribute within 500 feet of a public park and possession with intent to distribute within 500 feet of a public housing project.
He sits in Cumberland County Jail on $150,000 bail.
This is the second time Powers will face such charges. According to police, he was charged with the same offenses on May 22, following a motor vehicle stop that allegedly yielded 150 bags of confiscated heroin, police said. The case is still pending in court.


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