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Monday, 21 July 2008

Members of JLF are primarily involved in committing dacoity, contract killings and extortion but claim to be Naxalites

The Jharkhand Liberation Front (JLF), which has been active in certain parts of Jharkhand, has been declared outlawed.
However, the government’s action is akin to conceding to the demands of the outfit. The JLF had always wanted to find a place on the list of banned organisations.
Director-general of police Vishnu Dayal Ram said JLF is a gang of robbers and has nothing to do with ideology.
“It is an organisation with the label of Maoists but the members are all criminals. The members of JLF are primarily involved in committing dacoity, contract killings and extortion but claim to be Naxalites,” said Ram.
The government would not have passed the ban order but the “criminal gang” had unleashed a reign of terror in Khunti, Gumla and certain areas of rural Ranchi and West Singhbhum, said the police chief.
Sources in the police headquarters said such outfits, which indulge in criminal activities in the garb of ideology, do not merit to be declared outlawed but the police were facing difficulties in carrying out anti-insurgency operations in Naxalite-infested areas. “JLF members enter Naxalite zones and this cause lots of problems for people and the police. The law-enforcers are unaware if they are dealing with Naxalites or criminals,” explained a police officer.
JLF was known as Jharkhand Liberation Tiger and was headed by Suresh Gope


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