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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Michael Hunt admitted two charges of possessing a Class A drug with intent to supply and one of possessing a Class C drug

Michael Hunt’s home in Haswell Court, Stockton, was searched by police on April 19 last year and Hunt, 30, threw a package containing 24.3g of heroin, worth £2,430 on the streets, out of a window, Teesside Crown Court heard.Digital scales and 11 pieces of paper carrying his phone number were also found, said prosecutor Harry Hadfield.While on bail during long delays bringing the case to court, Hunt was caught with heroin on April 1 this year.He ran from police in Talbot Street, Stockton and discarded three packages in a garden. They contained a total of 280.6g of heroin, worth £14,180.A drugs squad officer believed only a trusted member of the illicit drugs market would be caught with that amount, the court heard.
Hunt had some scales in his pocket and 2.3g of cannabis.He admitted two charges of possessing a Class A drug with intent to supply and one of possessing a Class C drug. He had previous convictions, but none for drug dealing.
Brian Russell, for Hunt, said: “The people who are up the hierarchy are not stupid enough to be seen walking around the streets with £14,000 worth of heroin. They employ patsies - people to take the risk on their behalf.” He said Hunt was intimidated to transport and store drugs, gaining only drugs for his own use.
The judge, Recorder Henry Prosser, accepted he was not at the top of the hierarchy, but dealing was taking place at Hunt’s house and the offences were “hugely serious”.
Hunt’s partner at the time of the first raid, Leanne Saunders, 26, a Stockton Council drug support worker, who also worked with drugs group PANIC, was given an 18-month conditional discharge with £100 costs.She admitted possession of 0.02g of heroin - traces found in a Kinder Egg. It was accepted she relapsed into heroin use and was not involved in dealing. She had not been in trouble since.


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