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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Savdhul Zaman former England international light welterweight boxer found guilty

Savdhul Zaman is a former England international light welterweight boxer. He and John Coltman, aged 27, one of his tenants in Stainton Street, North Ormesby, denied charges of conspiracy to supply Class C drugs but were found guilty by a jury.Another tenant, Zameer Ahmed, aged 25, admitted the charge.
The trio were all sentenced at Teeside Crown Court. Coltman, now of Longlands Road, Middlesbrough, was given a four-month prison sentence, suspended for a year, with 80 hours of unpaid work.Ahmed, of Pickering Road, Thornaby, near Stockton, was given a nine-month sentence, suspended for a year, with 150 hours of community work.
During the court case Zaman, of Westbourne Grove, North Ormesby, claimed he was not aware of illegal activity involving about £12,000 worth of cannabis at the house. He said his fingerprints were found on packages of the drug because he had touched them as he tidied the house before putting it up for sale.
Another man, Richard Bellamy, 23, from Wharncliffe Side, Sheffield, who was accused of acting as a courier for the Class C drug, was cleared of conspiracy.• A recent police operation involving Haringey Council uncovered 13 illegally converted houses of multiple occupation (HMO). They also found 15 premises using illegal electricity and four others were found to be using an illegal gas supply.
The council is now considering appointing a ‘HMO tsar’ to deal with dodgy landlords.
The fears of tenants and their neighbours have been rising due to the increase in the number of HMOs in the area recently.
This has led to practices such as landlords creating fire risks by doing their own rewiring to bypass electric meters. Many landlords have legally applied for and been granted HMO licences in Haringey – close to 200 since 2006 – and are controlled by legislation.But others have been found breaching HMO laws relating to planning consent and conversions


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