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Saturday, 5 July 2008

Three men were convicted Tuesday in the 2006 contract killing of a mayoral candidate in Russia's far east

Three men were convicted Tuesday in the 2006 contract killing of a mayoral candidate in Russia's far east in 2006 just days before the vote.
Dmitry Fotyanov was gunned down in October 2006 outside his campaign office in Dalnegorsk, a small town some 5,700 miles east of Moscow.
Prosecutors said defendant Alexander Fedotov arranged for Fotyanov's killing over fears that Fotyanov's election would hurt his business interests.
A jury at Primorsky Regional Court in Vladivostok convicted Fedotov and two other suspects of involvement in Fotyanov's killing and illegal possession of weapons, court spokesman Sergei Ignatenko said. They will be sentenced later this month.
The man accused of pulling the trigger remains at large. The jury acquitted two other defendants, citing lack of evidence.


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