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Tuesday, 22 July 2008

US $10m for the capture of Gibrilla Kamara ( GK ), one of the main suspects

Police in Freetown yesterday confirmed the apprehension of a key suspect (name withheld) in connection with the unscheduled landing of an aircraft loaded with cocaine at the Freetown International. The Assistant Inspector General of Police (AIGSL), Oliver Sumasa, interviewed by a local radio station , disclosed that the police arrested a key suspect while another major one is at large. The AISLP , presently heading investigations team into the unscheduled landing of an aircraft loaded with cocaine at Sierra Leone's Freetown International Airport, also announced that Police have placed at stake US $10m for the capture of Gibrilla Kamara ( GK ), one of the main suspects .Mr. Sumasa made the statement during a radio interview with the We Yone radio talk-show "APC on Target" programme.
The Police boss revealed that traffickers have identified Sierra Leone and other West African countries including Senegal as a transit point for drugs into other parts of the continent and into the world and traffickers are coming because cocaine is not known in this part of the continent. He explained that SLP, in collaboration with Scotland Yard detectives, have been able to lay hands on 'revealing' documents .He also said that while on investigation Police have also discovered documents at some places the police officer stopped short of naming. Mr. Sumasa said that those evidence have been taken to the United Kingdom by Scotland Yard detectives to trace their origin through laboratory test and he affirmed that the Police have been mandated to destroy the 73.5kg of cocaine.
He implored the public to cooperate with the Police with vital information to help them in their investigation into the drugs case, noting that "we need support and information from people regarding the whereabouts of prime suspects and on the whole matter."AIGSL Sumasa reiterated that these particular cocaine and arms and ammunitions traffickers are a special group that have earmarked/identified Sierra Leone, Senegal and other Africans countries as a soft zones for drug trafficking and traffickers in the continent and other parts of Europe and America. He said that security measures have been put in place at the Freetown International Airport with the robust manning of the port by both the SLP and the Reublic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces' Military Police Wing .


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