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Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Carlos "Bam Bam" Gonzalez returned to State Prison to face parole violation charges.

Carlos "Bam Bam" Gonzalez, 34, was still on parole from a previous drug conviction when Merrimack police arrested him in May. He was returned to State Prison to face parole violation charges.Gonzalez was indicted last month and is scheduled to be arraigned this afternoon in U.S. District Court on six counts of selling cocaine and possession with the intent to sell it, court records show.Despite a lengthy record of cocaine convictions, Gonzalez had served only three years in State Prison from 2002-05, before his arrest in May. He also had spent shorter stints in the county jail, court records show.Gonzalez first made news in 1994, when he and his brother, Hirum Gonzalez, then 24, were arrested as part of a crack-cocaine dealing ring in French Hill. He received suspended prison sentence for that and other, previous convictions, but prosecutors never sought to impose them, court records show.
Merrimack police arrested Gonzalez in May, charging that he had sold about $200 worth of cocaine to an informant on five different occasions in April and May, while undercover detectives watched from a distance. He was also charged with possession of cocaine, with the intent to sell it.
Gonzalez initially was charged in state court, but he was indicted in the federal court last month, and the case against him will proceed there.


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