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Friday, 1 August 2008

Police arrested Stephen Archer and Sidney Storms after executing search warrants allegedly uncovered loaded handguns

Police arrested Stephen Archer, 36, on Tuesday and Sidney Storms, 41, on Wednesday after executing search warrants that allegedly uncovered loaded handguns neither man is allowed to possess because of prior felony convictions.Police raided two homes and recovered handguns, drugs and more than 100 of rounds of ammunition from convicted felons in separate busts this week. Archer, who is on parole following a weapons-possession conviction, and a woman were arrested after a search of their Pulaski Street home in Elm Park turned up a loaded revolver and 115 bullets inside a living room safe, as well as eight ounces of marijuana and seeds in the kitchen, police said. Archer and Necola Ruddock, 29, are charged with criminal possession of a loaded firearm, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
On Wednesday, a search of a Corson Avenue apartment in New Brighton led to Storms' arrest after cops said they found a .45 caliber handgun, a loaded magazine and a total of 67, .45 caliber and 9mm bullets, as well as used crack cocaine pipes and plastic bags. Storms has a prior conviction for felony attempted possession of a controlled substance. He is charged with possession of a loaded weapon and drug charges. Two women who shared the home, Emma Sanders, 43, and Ina Sanders, 19, also were charged with drug and weapons counts.


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