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Sunday, 3 August 2008

Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan was arrested in Trinidad and shipped by agents of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to the USA

Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan was arrested in Trinidad and shipped by agents of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to the USA for allegedly masterminding the shipment of illegal drugs to that country.According to US court documents, Khan may have ordered almost 200 murders in Guyana. During a media conference, President Bharrat Jagdeo had stressed that if there is any credence to the claims of killings, it would mean that several unsolved cases will more than likely be resolved.Expressing the hope that the US will assist Guyana in getting to the bottom of allegations, he revealed that the Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, had confirmed that the information about the alleged 200 killings had not been passed by the US to Guyana as yet.
The President emphasized that while Khan was not in Guyana’s jurisdiction, Guyana “…have an obligation that, if presented with any information by the US Government about Roger Khan’s involvement in any criminal act, that would be pursued by our law enforcement agency…That is my position.”To date, Roger Khan has been fingered in the US court as having ordered at least two murders, namely the execution of Donald Allison, a boxing coach of Agricola; and Devendra Persaud, a businessman who has been fingered in the killing of a local pilot from Ogle.The U.S. Government intends to establish that Persaud was charged with smuggling and conspiring to import cocaine into the United States, and ultimately cooperated with U.S. law enforcement.
The prosecution believes that individuals in the cocaine industry in Guyana, including Khan, suspected that Persaud was cooperating with U.S. law enforcement.
Additionally, the Government will try to establish at trial that one nickname for Khan was “Shortman.”


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