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Thursday, 20 November 2008

Joanne Pellew faces losing about $1.4 million in assets after being convicted of a serious drug offence.

Kooey fashion designer Joanne Pellew faces losing about $1.4 million in assets after being convicted of a serious drug offence.Pellew and her husband Ramli Hajinoor were found guilty of conspiring to sell or supply cannabis after their District Court trial last month.The couple's defence counsel David Moen's will now have to prove to the court their assets were not acquired with funds gained from the sale of cannabis.
The pair's sentencing hearing was adjourned this afternoon until mid December, to allow Mr Moen time to produce evidence to the court that legally-obtained funds were used in the purchase or repayment of loans for the property.Mr Moen said the court should consider the value of the property which will be confiscated from the couple in its sentencing.The court was told the couple owns two properties worth more than $1.3 million and other assets totalling $20,000.Mr Moen said Pellew would also lose her 49 per cent stake in Kooey, her glamourous swimwear label, because of her conviction."She will inevitably have to resign as director of the company - she will lose that interest," he said."It's always been a life ambition of her [to advance that]... it's a positive dream and it's a shame it will come to an end in a short space of time."The couple were remanded in custody to appear for sentencing on December 12.


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