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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Lorenzo Alvarez, 40, of Yuma Ariz., and passenger Laura Ramirez-Vasquez, 25, of Mexico.face federal charges for narcotics possession, distribution

The Fairfield Police, working in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), seized a large quantity of cocaine and heroin on Friday, Nov. 21, following a traffic stop on Passaic Ave., said Deputy Chief Steven Gutkin.Officer Jeffrey Didyk stopped a 2007 Chevrolet Aveo on Passaic Avenue around 4 p.m. for a routine motor vehicle violation and discovered the driver Lorenzo Alvarez, 40, of Yuma Ariz., and passenger Laura Ramirez-Vasquez, 25, of Mexico.Upon further investigation police and federal agents found three suitcases containing 56 kilograms of cocaine and 27 kilograms of heroin.
The two suspects had just arrived at the Essex County Airport in Fairfield in a small private Cessna plane. They rented a car at the airport and were allegedly on their way to New York City when they were stopped.The narcotics have an estimated street value of $4.7 million, Gutkin said.
Alverez and Vazquez were later released to the custody of ICE agents and will face federal charges for narcotics possession, distribution and conspiracy.


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