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Thursday, 27 November 2008

Teesside Crown Court heard Norman Gary Hanley supplied the two undercover officers with more than £600 worth of heroin in 12 different deals

Teesside Crown Court heard Norman Gary Hanley supplied the two undercover officers with more than £600 worth of heroin in 12 different deals between November and December last year.Norman HanleyOn August 8, the court heard the officers would ring Hanley and arrange to meet at public places including on Raby Road, Grainger Street, Whitby Street and at his home. Many of the transactions were captured on CCTV.Jolyon Perks, prosecuting, said: "Initial contact was made from an introduction by another drug user. "On all occasions throughout this operation the defendant was seen to turn up and when he supplied police had more wraps than he was handing over."
Hanley, of Church Street, Hartlepool, pleaded guilty to 12 counts of supplying heroin at an earlier hearing.Judge Brian Forster QC said: "The courts have to make it clear to people in this area that those who become involved in the supply of heroin are committing a serious offence and can expect a significant sentence of imprisonment."


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