Arrests Worldwide

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Saturday, 13 December 2008

Charlisa Andrews, 34, of 1134 Oak St. was arrested on two counts of distribution of crack cocaine.police located crack cocaine and weapons.

Police located crack cocaine and weapons.Three suspects were arrested for distribution of illegal drugs and one for possession. All individuals are innocent until proved guilty in a court of law.Four residents were also arrested from the home for outstanding capias warrants, which means the subjects had a guilty judgement through plea, appearance in court or arraignment in jail, and did not pay the fine within the required time period.
Police arrested these suspects:Charlisa Andrews, 34, of 1134 Oak St. was arrested on two counts of distribution of crack cocaine.Jorell Benson, 24, of 8446 Chadburn Crossing was arrested for possession of crack cocaine.Trimons Benson, 30, of 1321 Bragg St. was arrested for distribution of crack cocaine. Thornton said police also had six capias warrants on the suspect.Keontaye Giles, 21, of 1608 Yarborough St. was arrested for distribution of crack cocaine. Thornton said police had 10 capias warrants on the suspect.The remaining four suspects arrested at Oak Street were not taken into custody in connection with crack cocaine possession or distribution, but were arrested for capias warrants, Thornton said. “They were inside the residence at the time we served the warrants,” he said. Karsten King, 29, of 933 Hill Street had two capias warrants.Katorri King, 22, of 1667 Crouson Street had three capias warrants.Laronica McQueen, 30, of 706 N. Union Circle arrested for four capias warrants.Angela Phillips, 41, of 2018 W. Fairview Ave. was arrested for five capias warrants.


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