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Friday, 5 December 2008

Israeli citizen Moshe Abdulak, Peruvians Jorge Tragadona Modena, 41, Edmundo Zayers Neyra, 61, Manuel Tregear Muñoz, José Panta Girón were arrested

international drug ring, allegedly headed by an Israeli man, is out of business after Caribbean, Peruvian and Spanish police intercepted cocaine shipments hidden in lead-plated heavy machinery designed to fool airport x-ray security scans.Peru’s anti-drug unit, or Dirandro, sniffed out the drug traffickers in early October, after being tipped off by officials from the Bahamas. The island’s anti-drug authorities seized 294 kilos of cocaine concealed in lead-plated heavy machinery they determined had been shipped from Peru.Five days after the Bahamas drug bust, Spain seized 600 kilos of cocaine, also shipped from Peru, and also concealed in the same manner.On Nov. 19, Peru’s police drug enforcement unit, Dirandro, carried out four simultaneous raids in Lima’s districts of Miraflores, Ate, Chorrillos and San Isidro, seizing more than half a ton of cocaine.The illicit cargo, destined for the Middle East, is valued at approximately $150 million.Israeli citizen Moshe Abdulak, 53, and Peruvians Jorge Tragadona Modena, 41, Edmundo Zayers Neyra, 61, Manuel Tregear Muñoz, 53 and José Panta Girón were arrested.


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