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Friday, 19 December 2008

Joshua “JJ” Matthews, 23, of Division Street had agreed to sell two “eight-balls,” or eighth-ounce quantities (about 3.5 grams each), of crack

Joshua “JJ” Matthews, 23, of Division Street had agreed to sell two “eight-balls,” or eighth-ounce quantities (about 3.5 grams each), of crack for $300 to a person who was working with the government in an undercover operation. The witness indicated that he/she had $400, and Matthews agreed to sell 10 grams. Matthews made the sale at his residence, and agents later discovered he had sold 4.7 grams, not the 10 grams he had promised. Matthews was indicted by a grand jury in January 2008 and arrested in February. While his case was pending, he underwent a competency examination and a judge determined he was fit to stand trial.

He had preveiously been convicted of third-degree assault and possession of marijauna and was on probation at the time of his arrest. Matthews had faced three to four years in prison for distribution of crack cocaine under federal sentencing guidelines.
His attorney, public defender Thomas G. Dennis, argued in a sentencing document that other sentencing carrying “the same preassigned level of seriousness” include involuntary manslaughter, reckless operation of a means of transportation, aggravated assault.Chief United States District Judge Robert N. Chatigny sentenced him to 12 months and one day of imprisonment, followed by three years of supervised release.


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