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Friday, 20 February 2009

Marty Pettigrew is facing cocaine and marijuana charges after being stopped by police for speeding Feb. 6.

Marty Pettigrew is facing cocaine and marijuana charges after being stopped by police for speeding Feb. 6.Pettigrew, 47, was pulled over for going 43 mph in a 35-mph zone at Lynchburg and Fieldcrest in the Raleigh area. Also in the car were Andre Banks and Hans Banks, according to the police affidavit.When police pulled the Mercedes over, both Banks men allegedly attempted to hide something.
Police pulled all three men from the car, then found one bag of crack and one bag of pot in the back seat. Brass knuckles were also found. All three denied knowing anything about the drugs.School board member Martavius Jones said Pettigrew had been suspended.
“We received an update from the superintendent to say he was suspended with pay, pending the outcome of a formal investigation,” Jones said.


Anonymous 17 September 2019 at 09:10  

Marti Glenn Hart is a meth dealer in Lewisville. He lives at the Suburban Extended Stay Hotel in room 243 and works at Lewisville glass and mirror. He's on meth 24/7.

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