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Monday, 2 March 2009

Accused drug dealer Richard Buttrose was arrested after police discovered more than $1.3 million in cash and 7.7kg of cocaine

Accused drug dealer Richard Buttrose was arrested after police discovered more than $1.3 million in cash and 7.7kg of cocaine hidden in a Darling Point apartment.
Buttrose, the father of a 21-month-old son and whose wife Pollyanna is expecting to give birth on Monday, was released on bail on Thursday after police had allegedl already caught him selling $2500 worth of cocaine.Yesterday morning, about 9am, as he was reporting to Rose Bay police station to meet his bail conditions, police seized the opportunity to arrest him again. While he stayed at his mother's Vaucluse home overnight they had raided the Darling Point apartment on Sutherland Crescent believed to be connected to him.Detectives estimate the street value of the cocaine found there yesterday would be about $2 million. Police said the latest raid was part of a crackdown on street-level drug dealing in Sydney's eastern suburbs and that their investigations were continuing.Buttrose, who is the son of the publishing icon's late brother, appeared before Central Local Court on Thursday charged with five counts of supplying a prohibited drug as well as possession and goods in custody after more police raids at Paddington and Enmore.

At noon on Wednesday, undercover officers allegedly watched him sell 2g of cocaine to a man outside the Phoenix Hotel on Moncur St, Woollahra. He was later arrested in his Mercedes on Ocean St. His mother, Elizabeth Buttrose, had already put up $300,000 bail in order to have her son released the first time. Under those bail conditions, Buttrose was to stay inside her Vaucluse home from 6.30pm to 6.30am and report to police twice a day.

His lawyer, Brett Galloway, told Central Local Court on Thursday Buttrose's occupation was "company director" - and that his client was in the process of producing a reality television program that turned ordinary people into racing car drivers.A 32-year-old man from Mascot was also arrested and charged on Thursday with possessing a prohibited drug. He was granted strict conditional bail and ordered to reappear in the Downing Centre Local Court on March 18.He was expected to be charged over yesterday's raid last night and is expected to appear before Parramatta Local Court today.


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