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Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Antonio K. Overton, 25, was convicted last week of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity and four other drug trafficking charges.

Antonio K. Overton, 25, was convicted last week of engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity and four other drug trafficking charges.Two of the charges are first-degree felonies, the most serious. Two are fourth-degree felonies, and one is a third-degree felony.Prosecutor Mark Miller had asked the court to impose a 10-year sentence, while Overton's attorney, Jeremy Levy of Toledo, argued for a three- or four-year term.Under law, Overton faced a mandatory three-year sentence on just the corrupt activity offense.Overton was one of 14 people indicted last summer following a two-year investigation of a cocaine distribution ring by the Hancock METRICH drug task force.He was one of the ringleaders in the drug enterprise, and was found to have sold cocaine in Findlay on several occasions while the ring was operating between 2006 and 2008.Authorities said Overton would bring drugs to Findlay and “set up shop” at motels here. He sold some of the drugs himself and also arranged to have “runners” sell drugs.The ring was broken up after several confidential informants made purchases of cocaine, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana and Oxycodone, a prescription pain reliever, from various defendants.Judge Niemeyer ordered Overton to make restitution of $1,560 to the METRICH task force, for the money given to informants to purchase drugs from him. The judge also ordered Overton to forfeit $722 in cash that was found on him when he was first arrested.Overton has been held in the Hancock County jail since his arrest last August.


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