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Thursday, 5 March 2009

Darrell Woods, 19, of the 1600 block of Harper Drive, Rantoul, was charged with possession with intent to deliver

Darrell Woods, 19, of the 1600 block of Harper Drive, Rantoul, was charged with possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance and driving under suspension after his arrest Tuesday by Rantoul police.Assistant State's Attorney Lindsey Clark said police tried to pull over Woods' car on Century Boulevard for a traffic violation. As officers approached, he sped off with the police following. Clark said Woods eventually stopped the car, got out and ran. He was caught not far away.Woods was searched at the jail and 17 rocks of crack cocaine, weighing 7 grams, were found in his underwear, Clark said.The drug charge alleges Woods had the drugs within 1,000 feet of St. Malachy School, making the offense a Class X felony, punishable by six to 30 years in prison.If convicted, Woods would have to serve the sentence after whatever sentence he might receive for a 2007 aggravated driving under the influence conviction. The state is attempting to revoke his probation in that case.Judge Rich Klaus set Woods' bond at $50,000 and ordered him back in court April 28.


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