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Saturday, 19 September 2009

Wilfredo Rodriguez Rosado. American Airlines employees that were caught up in the drug bust

Just recently, nine workers from American Airlines were charged with participating in a drug smuggling ring. This scheme saw cocaine shipped from Puerto Rico to the United States mainland by way of airport flights.The American Airlines employees that were caught up in the drug bust, turned out to be a mix of baggage handlers and other members of the ground crew. Apparently they took part in sending at least 19,840 pounds of cocaine into parts of the United States. Some of the locations where drugs were shipped to include Miami, Orlando, and New Jersey.Officers from the United States Drug Enforcement Administrations, as well as members from the FBI, arrested 22 members of the alleged smuggling ring, which does include the nine American Airlines workers. The raids took place early Tuesday and were called Operation Heavy Cargo.One of the employees that agreed to surrender was the ringleader, Wilfredo Rodriguez Rosado. The other men that were arrested were found in other cities all across the United States Caribbean territory and in Miami. A spokeswoman for American Airlines did confirm the arrests but was not able to give out any other kinds of details on the matter.Puerto Rico is actually a favored transshipment point for South American cocaine and heroin. This is because, once the drugs are able to reach the Caribbean islands, they no longer have to make it past customs. The drugs are free to make their way to the American market. Although security at the airport is tight, some say that this proves that it could be better.


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