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Thursday, 28 January 2010

Cameron Douglas, 31, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Ronald Ellis in Manhattan federal court to conspiracy to distribute crystal meth and co

Cameron Douglas, 31, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Ronald Ellis in Manhattan federal court to conspiracy to distribute crystal meth and cocaine and to heroin possession.son of Oscar-winning actor Michael Douglas admitted in a New York court on Wednesday to possessing heroin and dealing large amounts of methamphetamine and cocaine out of his hotel room.Douglas was arrested on July 28 at the trendy Gansevoort Hotel in Manhattan and faces at least 11 years and up to life in prison. After his arrest and while on pretrial release, Douglas possessed heroin, the charges said.Douglas sent large quantities of methamphetamine, known by the street names of "crystal meth" and "ice," to New York via FedEx between 2006 and 2009, according to the complaint.He worked with accomplices who are cooperating with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the complaint said.In several different recorded phone calls Douglas referred to the drugs as "pastry" and "salts," the complaint said.Douglas was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine in 2007 in Santa Barbara, California.His two-time Oscar-winner father, Michael Douglas, in an interview in the March/April issue of AARP The Magazine said his son, his only child with his first wife Diandra Luker, is a "tough kid" but that he was still worried about his welfare.In the 2000 movie Traffic, Michael Douglas played a high-powered judge in charge of fighting a war on drugs, only to find out his teenage daughter was a cocaine addict."Cameron has a lot of life ahead. He now recognizes his own demons and struggles," Douglas told the magazine.


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