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Saturday, 5 February 2011

Night clubs drug supplier arrested

Night clubs drug supplier arrested: "Billy Nyambe, a resident of Chilenje South was arrested around Northmead area when he attempted to sale five rocks of crack cocaine to some people.

According to DEC public relations manager John Nyawali, Nyambe belongs to a cartel of drug traffickers that have been supplying cocaine to some affluent night clubs around Lusaka especially those at Northmead.

Nyawali said Nyambe had been on the Commission’s watch list but had been elusive upto now.

“Two of his family members are already serving jails sentences after they were arrested in separate occasions for drug trafficking,” said Nyawali.

Meanwhile, the Commission seized 1.3 tonnes of cannabis in the last seven days and 45 people arrested countrywide for trafficking in different quantities of the psychotropic substances.

Among those arrested is a 41 year old peasant farmer of Chilufya village in chief Muchinda’s area in Serenje district.

Peter Musonda, was found with 1.1 tonnes of fresh cannabis which he had intercropped with his maize crops

The Commission would like to urge farmers to dedicate their resources toward s the cultivation of legal cash crops in order to enhance food security in their homes."


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