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Saturday, 5 February 2011

San Jose: Gang leader sentenced to life in prison for murders, racketeering - San Jose Mercury News

San Jose: Gang leader sentenced to life in prison for murders, racketeering - San Jose Mercury News: "Gang leader and convicted killer Anh The Duong will either spend the rest of his life in federal prison or be executed on California's death row. But on Thursday, his punishment was to sit shackled in a courtroom, a few feet from the tearful, emotional members of his many victims' families who stood within his gaze and recounted their anguish.
In a sentencing hearing in a federal court in San Jose, Karen Celkos, holding a portrait of her slain boyfriend Minh Dieu Tram, asked Duong: 'Do you remember him?' Then she offered her forgiveness, her 13-year-old son nearby, saying to a sobbing Duong, 'While you sit in prison '... until your last dying days, you need to find peace within yourself.'
Duong whispered, 'I'm sorry.'"


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