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Monday, 18 February 2008

Brooke Elizabeth Bumgardner,Jesse Leigh Olszewski possession of controlled substance

Brooke Elizabeth Bumgardner, 20, and Jesse Leigh Olszewski, 21, of possession of controlled substance, penalty group 1, between 4-200 grams. They also charged them with possession of marijuana between four ounces and five pounds after finding about a pound of marijuana in the house, and of misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. They also charged Jesse Olszewski with furnishing or purchasing alcohol to/for a minor.Blake Fillmore Hurst, 19, went to jail on a charge of prohibited weapon (switchblade) in a weapons-free zone.The mother, 46, and a non-resident female, 20, were all charged with possession of marijuana less than two ounces. The second daughter, 19, went to jail on a charge of possession of marijuana less than two ounces and also possession of drug paraphernalia. All drug charges were enhanced because the house is across the street from the Howe football stadium, qualifying the area as a drug-free zone. Ford explained that the penalties of such enhanced charges are stiffer for those found guilty, just as the penalty for the weapons charge against Hurst can be stiffer, should he be found guilty.
Ford explained that OxyContin pills can bring up to $40 each on the streets. According to Wikipedia online dictionary, they are a pain medication that produce side effects similar to those from heroin use.The seized narcotics will be taken to the Texas Department of Public Safety lab in Garland


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