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Monday, 18 February 2008

Gavin Geelan pleaded guilty to having a quantity of cocaine

Security staff at a Galway city night-club rang the Gardaí when they realised a punter had cocaine in his possession.
Gavin Geelan (25), a native of Co Longford with an address at 10 Castlegardens, Newtownforbes, Longford, pleaded guilty to having a quantity of cocaine valued at between €50 and €70 in his possession at Karma night-club, on January 13 last, when he appeared before Galway District Court last Wednesday.
Inspector Mick Coppinger said security staff rang the Gardaí when they found Geelan in possession of the drug at 1.45am.
The court was told Geelan had not touched the drug since and that this had been a one-off incident.
Imposing a €250 fine, Judge Mary Fahy said possession of cocaine was a very serious offence and the effects and after-effects of the drug had been very well documented in the media recently. “Everyone knows it’s dangerous. They read the papers and they are aware of the dangers,” the judge said.


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