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Saturday, 9 February 2008

Miguel Andrade Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics unit Jump-Out team apprehended him without incident

Miguel Andrade, 34, of Paterson, N.J., was taken into custody Feb. 7 after he left a Sterling business on Holly Avenue. Andrade is charged with possession with intent to distribute cocaine and is now being held on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainer.
Loudoun County Sheriff's Office Investigators learned this week that a large quantity of cocaine was transported into the country from South America.
The suspect was allegedly using the Sterling-based import business to smuggle in the drugs. The business in Sterling caters to the South American Hispanic community, providing a variety of services, including importing items from Peru.
It is believed at this time that the import business was unaware that its services were being used to bring narcotics into the community.
The narcotics were carried in suitcases and disguised as 20 bags of candy, containing 600 individually wrapped pieces of cocaine. The amount of cocaine has an estimated street value of more than $100,000.
On Feb. 7 Andrade arrived at the business to pick up the items. After he left, members of the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics unit Jump-Out team apprehended him without incident. Andrade is being held without bond at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center.


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