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Saturday, 9 February 2008

Roberto Reynoso, 36, a buyer, agreed to a punishment of 45 years in prison.

Jesus Hinojosa Jr. pleaded guilty in December to two counts of possession of more than 400 grams of cocaine with intent to deliver, prosecutor Marcy McCorvey said.
After reading a pre-sentencing report and hearing testimony in the case,state District Judge Joan Campbell sentenced Hinojosa, 31, to prison with a $1 fine. A fine is mandated by law.
Hinojosa is the last of four men implicated in the scheme to sell more than 26 kilograms of cocaine stolen from the Jersey Village lab.
Last week, Everett Brumfield, 42, was sentenced to 25 years after pleading guilty to engaging in organized criminal activity.
In December, Tommy Norris, 34, pleaded guilty to possession of a controlled substance in exchange for a 25-year sentence for his part in replacing the narcotics with lookalike bricks.
Roberto Reynoso, 36, a buyer, agreed to a punishment of 45 years in prison.


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