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Monday, 18 February 2008

Phoenix police arrested Israel Anthony Morales, 17, Liburio Zaval, 30, and Jesus Duran, 22, following an investigation into a kidnapping

Phoenix police arrested Israel Anthony Morales, 17, Liburio Zaval, 30, and Jesus Duran, 22, following an investigation into a kidnapping that occurred on Friday, in which a 39-year-old man was kidnapped from his home in the 3500 block of West Portland Street. Three illegal immigrants who police believe kidnapped and tortured a Phoenix resident in a human-smuggling case were arrested.On Monday, Phoenix police investigators and SWAT officers made a tactical traffic stop on Interstate 17 near McDowell Road and took two of the suspects into custody, according to Phoenix police Sgt. Joel Tranter. Information from the two men led officers to an apartment.
SWAT forcefully entered the apartment, arrested the third suspect and found the victim bound and gagged in a bathroom. The suspects had placed a gun in his mouth and said numerous times that they would kill him, Tranter said.
He had also been assaulted and tortured, but was not seriously injured, Tranter said. Police also found an assault rifle and a sawed-off shotgun in the apartment.
The three suspects have been booked on suspicion of several counts, including kidnapping, extortion and auto theft.
Police also found the vehicle believed to be used in the kidnapping at a shop near 400 West Broadway Road.
An additional suspect, David Delacruz, 28, was arrested on suspicion of drug charges after police seized an undisclosed amount of money and cocaine.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement assisted in the arrests and immigration holds were placed on all suspects, Tranter said.


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