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Monday, 18 February 2008

Adelino Najera officers in the tower opened fire with a shotgun and shot and killed him.

An inmate at a Johnston County prison was shot and killed while trying to escape on Tuesday, just five months before he was set to be released.Adelino Najera had been working in a building next to the Johnston Correctional Facility in Smithfield when he tried to run. A corrections officer warned Najera to stop, but when he didn’t, the officer fired on the man, killing him.
In 2001, Najera was convicted in Stokes County for shooting and killing a female friend of his. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Adelino Najera "Officers saw him as he was climbing the first fence and gave him verbal orders to stop,” said Keith Acree, a spokesman for the N.C. Department of Correction. “He ignored those orders, kept going and proceeded over the second fence. When he hit the ground after the second fence, one of the officers in the tower opened fire with a shotgun and shot and killed him.
Najera worked in a paint plant adjacent to the prison with about 100 other inmates. Despite being convicted in the shooting of a friend, the Honduran native was gettingout of prison in June of this year. Authorities say he had a few violations over the years, but nothing out of the ordinary."It appears to be spontaneous. We don't have any evidence at this point that it was a plot or plan or anything like that,” said Acree.Inmates were temporarily placed on lockdown until Najera's body could be removed from the scene. Pending an investigation, the officer who fired the fatal round which pierced Najera's back has been taken out of the tower and placed on administrative duty.In 2001 and 2002, two other inmates were killed while trying to escape from the same facility.Per state law, an inmate isn't allowed within 10 feet of a prison fence. If they go anywhere near it and are told several times to stop and don't, state law gives an officer the right to shoot them.


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